about Dex June


Hi, I am from Perth, Australia. This website contains a small amount of information about me. I thought I'd create my own website because I like being able to customize the art and content rather than using a social media account like facebook. I am studying computer science at UWA and have almost finished my degree. I work casually to pay for student tuition fees. I used amazon web services to create this website. I also have other websites which you can check out. I am interested in web development and graphics development. If you want to collaborate on a project or want to talk, send me an email. I like to play horror games but recently have been doing other things with my spare time. I find coding takes a lot of time but its worth it because a good project is very useful once it has been completed. Once the code for a project is completed, it can be run as many times and on as many devices as you want. That is why I like software development.

software I use

Ubuntu Linux
Windows 11
Windows 10


horror gaming
web developement


web development
UI design
OpenGL graphics programming
Java programming

software used in this website:

HTML, CSS, Javascript
Amazon Web Services